A dernière chance - a condolences .

Je veux avoir une dernière chance
Que Dieu révise son jugement
Mais je n'ai pas le choix
Obligée de vivre avec ça
Mais pourquoi
Je ne le mérite pas

This song is roughly translated about somebody that have been confirmed to have terminal illness and doesn't have anything to do .Facing a hard and unbelievable news and hoping from the God to get a last chance of life opportunity .

What i want to highlight is mainly not this song but recently (this year ), i have been faced by a death of two of my friends on barely in his 22 years old .The late Hisyam dies in cancer and recently the Late Syafiq Hanaiel dies from a head injury in ICU after tremendous accident .

And , it is good to be truth , quotes by Imam Al Ghazali :" the death is the closest companion ,every living things will face it ."

Al Fatihah to both of them ,Amin


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