Garden updates July 12 Jan 13

I forgot to upload some of the last years garden photo. Today, i will upload some plant species where some of it grow as happily as they could and some of it die.
1. Cat whiskers, (Orthosiphon aristatus). A plant that easy to grow and love to displaying its showy white flower. Like what most  old people always told us, this plant is good for diabetic patient and my dad got diabetic. I do enjoy drinking cat whiskers tea just another reason to plant it. I have made an attempt to produce our own cat whiskers tea by collecting its leaf (only leaf cause the root is the most toxic part of the plant) , air drying it and pouring hot water. The result : hurm?? . weird!!
2. The sole and only one frangipani in the garden. Name: kauka wilder chili red if im not mistaken.

3. Kesidang, kerak nasi, (vallaris glabra, famili Apocynaceae, java origin, woody vine) The leaf is ordinary, the flower is small and small. The plant actually not so interesting except for the only 1 reason that is ; the smell of the flower. Just nice like the pandan smell compare to others flower that have much more stronger aromas.
4. Do not forget our culture and heritage. The sireh ( Piper betel L, Family : Piperaceae). I would try to plant as many as native/ cultural (malay) plant in the garden. Some of it might not be native in malaya (even coconut is not native actually) but i try to get the essence of what malay garden should be.


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